We are delighted to be working with PiXL again this year on Build Up. GCSEPod can help build confidence and support your student’s Independent learning journey.
Last year over 150,000 videos were watched and 3000 assignments were completed. Even the most disengaged students engaged with GCSEPod. So sign up now and get GCSEPod for your Build Up students.
Watch this quick video on how GCSEPod can help your Build Up students.
“So many schools have told us of their success with GCSEPod, not just in engaging students but also in building their confidence and interest in the subject. There are huge benefits for students and all without creating more workload for staff.”
In this quick video we look at what is GCSEPod, known as education on demand, GCSEPod has been engaging learners and supporting teachers for over 10 years now.
In this short video we cover what’s included in your GCSEPod subscription. Before you watch this video we highly recommend watching the ‘What is GCSEPod’ video first.
This video give you a full run through all of the changes we have made to our assignments feature to make it even better for you and your students.
A unique assessment system that not only evaluates students’ knowledge and understanding, but also provides scaffolded support via hints, multiple choice options and feedback statements, to aid actual learning and retention.
This video covers how you can set assignments and how to review results as well as provide feedback.
Find out how you can monitor usage and assign pods for students to watch.
These guides list all past paper exam questions and the Pods which are relevant. Students can use these guides to easily identify which Pods they should watch, based on the questions where they lost marks in their mock exam.
Condensed and targeted versions of the English language and maths courses, these pods cover key skills and knowledge, they are designed specifically for students who need structure and support.
Our Boost Playlists identify knowledge gaps, providing students with a detailed report on their strengths and weaknesses and an automatically generated playlist of content closely matched to their weakest areas.
ReadySetGo are pre-created assessments to check knowledge and understanding. These assignments encourage students to ‘watch, quiz, practise and apply’ their learning.
Take a look at the ‘Engage’ section of our website which is where you will find all the ready-made promotion and training material to maximise your investment in GCSEPod.
Click on the button below to download the instructions for you school IT lead.
These are one of the most commonly requested resources. They are a great way to reward and motivate.